A meaningful New Year experience for the whole family.
Join us for a welcoming, warm & inspiring Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur!

All services will be held at the Radisson Hotel New Rochelle unless otherwise noted
Rosh Hashanah
Monday, September 6
Evening Services: 7:00pm
followed by Rosh Hashanah Dinner
Tuesday, September 7
Morning Services: 9:30am
Torah Reading: 10:30am
Shofar Blowing 11:00am
Service followed by Kiddush
Shofar In The Park
(Wolfs Lane Park): 5:30pm
Wednesday, September 8
Morning Services: 9:30am
Torah Reading: 10:30am
Shofar Blowing 11:00am
Yom Kippur
Wednesday, September 15
Fast Begins: 6:46pm
Kol Nidrei: 7:00pm
Thursday, September 16
Morning Services: 9:30am
Torah Reading: 10:30am
Afternoon & Neila Service: 6:00pm
Yom Kippur Ends: 7:45pm
followed by Break-Fast Buffet